3 Steps,
Start Physio

Step 1

Contact with Physioassistant

Step 2

Initial consultation

Step 2

Initial consultation

Step 3

Specific Assessment

Test content

Visualized trackable wearable devices accomplish bio-mechanical analysis, combined with clinical diagnosis to give patients the result as objective as possible.
Dynamic spine scan and analysis system
The infrared spine scan device IDIAG M360 helps to record and analyze the spine in different postures and movements.
Markless Motion capture
EUMOTUS® markless motion capture system helps to analyze the active range of motion of your joints, stability and symmetry during complex movements.
Real-time muscle oxygen saturation analysis
The wireless infrared device (Moxy®) tracks real-time muscle oxygen saturation. It helps determine personalized training intensities and tracks possible physiological limiters that impair the improvement of performance.

A symptom is only a superficial problem. Find the cause and answers with us. Especially when you struggle with pain or performance issues for a long time, a specific functional assessment might be an impressive experience.

Personalized Physiotherapy


REPULI ́s professional team won ́t neglect any physical detail you care about and goals you expect, with a timed period and highly achievable plan. What might take months of treatment elsewhere could take only a few weeks with us.

"Can not" is relative, so we strike for your goal.

Successful therapy begins with your choice of place, an accurate functional assessment and a result that help to predict your prognosis.

As less as possible, As much as necessary.

We define the success of your treatment to the earliest possible moment you leave our support without any difficulty. Using the knowledge we impart to you over time, you are now able to integrate it into your daily life to reach your final goal. Hope we meet next time, not in our clinic.




SPACECURL是世界上唯一通过万向悬浮实现抗阻训练的设备,这款器械生产初衷是用来服务于美国NASA 宇航员的康复治疗。美国航天局NASA将其应用在航天员重返地球适应重力环境的训练上,后来研究发现太空圈应用在物理复健项目中有事半功倍作用。

可用于整形外科问题、肌肉功能失衡、背痛、需要加强躯干肌肉训练(如运动员) 以及遭受中风、帕金森、多发性硬化症或脊髓损伤等神经系统疾病的人群。

  • 协调训练
  • 平衡和姿势训练
  • 关节疾病或关节置换后的复健训练
  • 周围性前庭障碍的复健训练
  • 减少痉挛状态复健训练

Tramp Trainer TT


Tramp Trainer 为欧洲 FREI AG 旗下一款温和激发性康复器械。器械上的弹性软垫装置,让训练部位更有针对性,同时软垫良好的缓冲性能,起到减轻跳跃中脊柱和关节受压的作用,避免二次损伤,高效训练,安全无忧。


  • 增强腿部力量
  • 提升运动速度控制和平衡感
  • 刺激新陈代谢,消化器官,淋巴系统和心血管系统循环
  • 增强骨盆稳定性
  • 进行足部、膝关节或髋关节受伤或术后的活动障碍的复健
  • 预防肥胖、骨质疏松症等问题

Aktiv Tramp AT




  • 增强腿部力量
  • 促进新陈代谢,提高消化系统,淋巴系统和血液循环系统功能
  • 预防骨质疏松症

Assistance for further medical intervention and health insurance

The seamless co-op

Our team of professionals help you reduce the possibility of unnecessary detours during your medical journey. Besides fast channels for any medical treatment or high-quality imaging (PET CT, PET MRI, etc.), our network of experts and specialists analyze your conditions as a multidisciplinary team to provide you with the most comprehensive decision-making basis.

Recommended Specialized Institutions

Commercial Insurance

As an officially registered medical facility, REPULI® accepts most commercial Insurances.

Use WeChat to scan the QR code to make an appointment.


Service languages
Chinese, English, German, Hungarian, Spanish

医学中心电话 Medical centre tellphone

医助手机号码 Medical assistant mobile